lunes, 20 de octubre de 2014

Post 7: How green are you?

Hi, today I'm going to talk about recycling.The truth is that in my family we don't have recycling habits, we only use biodegradable things, but we don't separate plastics from paper, glass or organic rubbish.
At school I learned some things, but at university (because of a teacher) I learned that exist different types of plastics, and to recycle them you must classify them.
It’s difficult to incorporate those practices in my home, because we live in a condom, and you have to take out the garbage in the condom entrance to the garbage trunk. In other words, the problem is even though we classify the things, the trunk would put those things together again and the work would be for nothing. Other complication would be that near my home there is nothing to recycle, I mean a place to leave the classified rubbish.
In transport, sometime I use my bike, but to go to a near places, because I have some problems or conditions to go outside in bike, for example, I don't go alone if I will return late also I live in Peñalolen but like in the mountain haha, so It is difficult go too far from there, because the return is horrible. But I'd like go in my bike to everywhere, but my main problem is time, I really can't be alone too late (when sun has set).
I've never been or supported any eco-organization. I don't know why, I think I know none.
To reduce my carbon footprint, every morning in my bedroom I disconnect every electrical thing and always I turn off the lights when nobody is there, same with the TV, or anything.
I think in our society we're missing places to recycling and culture about this. For example at parks would be nice have more trash can, but the ones to classify the garbage. Also we need more information about how those classifications are made.

So,that was the topic for today. 
I'd like to know how about you, what do you think about this?.

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