martes, 23 de abril de 2013

The coypu who stole my heart

Hi, today I'm going to talk about Forestín. The coypu who stole my heart.
When CONAF started to comand the Fire Management program is the birth of an stronger forest fire prevention campaign.
The first idea was a symbol named "Custodio", represented by a tree. This option was discarded because it's  didn't reaches more welcome in public opinion.
On June 12th, 1976, during the CONAF's Fire Management evaluation made in the Bio-bío region emerges the idea of using as symbol a Coypu. That would be the instant which Forestín "would see the light".
Created by Gabriela Omegna Molina.
So Forestín is a Coypu wich wear a yellow jacket and fire brigade helmet and his mission is to educate the public about the dangers of forest fires.
His name was invented by a competition for children.

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